Book Review: “From Third World to First: The Singapore Story” – A Remarkable Journey of Transformation

from third world to first

“When I became Prime Minister in 1959, Singapore was not yet a nation; it was an island with a polyglot population of Chinese, Malays, Indians, and a residual colonial population of Europeans. Our average income was low, our literacy rate …

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Book Review: Born A Crime

Born a crime

“We spend so much time being afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. But regret is the thing we should fear most. Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer …

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7 Inspiring Quotes From The Alchemist

7 inspiring quotes from the alchemist

Have you read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho? It’s a sensational book that tells the story of a shepherd’s journey in search of a treasure. It’s filled with hundreds of insightful messages from various people the shepherd met on his …

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5 Hilarious Books That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

5 Hilarious Books That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

If you’re looking for books that are specifically designed to make you laugh uncontrollably, we can suggest the following: 1. Catch-22″ by Joseph Heller This classic satirical novel follows the absurd experiences of American soldiers during World War II, with …

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Book Review: The Palmwine Drinkard

The Palm wine drinkard

Author: Amos Tutuola “The Palmwine Drinkard” by Amos Tutuola is a mesmerizing and surreal journey through the realms of African folklore. The story follows the remarkable adventures of the unnamed protagonist, referred to as the Palmwine Drinkard, as he embarks …

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Book Review: The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives

Author: Lola Shoneyin “What is it that makes you think a woman’s place is in the home, bringing up children and serving a man? What do you think gives you the right to control the lives of your wives and …

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