My Book Story

When I was a young girl, there were names that made waves. One of them was ‘Dr. Martin Akpan.’ This was as a result of his affiliation with Politics. Adults talked a lot about him; we, the children, wondered what on earth should make a name that weighty.

My Dad, a lover of newspapers, enjoyed reading Dr. Martin Akpan’s column and commented on how brilliant he was. Newspapers were not my thing. To me, it was for the adults. I enjoyed reading story books. So, I never for once read Dr. Martin Akpan’s article.

I recall on one occasion asking my Dad where he lived and he replied, ‘In this Uyo!’  And I wondered aloud to my Dad, ‘In this Uyo and I’ve never seen him!’

One day, a cousin of mine told me of Dr. Akpan’s political thriller, The Crumb Eaters.

‘Wow! I was in!!’ I told him. I loved stories and storybooks. ‘This one is a must-read book,’ I told my cousin. My cousin gave me his copy of The Crumb Eaters. He told me it was based on a true-life story, that it wasn’t fiction. “In fact, it is Dr. Martin Akpan’s story,” he told me. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. I couldn’t believe my ears. I gobbled up the book immediately. I ate it until no crumb was left!

Years later, I was invited to a book club meeting by a family friend. This was in December 2021, when the year was wrapping up. I made up my mind to honour the invitation in the new year.

In the evening of the last Saturday of January 2022, I arrived at Watbridge Hotel and Suites for the club meeting. Since it was a “book club” I thought all they did was read. Maybe when one was tired of reading, the individual would find his or her way home. I didn’t know it was far more exciting and so interesting.

Going through the glass door of the Shakespeare Room, I walked into a cool, calm and serene environment. It was quite relaxing and soothing. Though one person only was familiar to me in the meeting, I was very comfortable among them. My eyes kept going from one face to another and from one object to another. I was at it until I was stopped in my tracks. ‘It can’t be,’ I said to myself. ‘Could this be Dr. Martin Akpan, the man I asked my Dad of years ago, sitting in the same room with me?’ ‘This club must really be important,’ I told myself, ‘for a very busy man like Dr. Martin Akpan to make out time to attend it.’ (I later learnt there were other important personalities at the club).

I enjoyed everything about the club, especially the ‘Dear Moment.’ I went to find out what the club was all about but by the end of the meeting, I made up my mind to stay.

Members reviewed books and were rewarded but a little girl who got a gift for her literary contribution caught my attention. When Dr. Udeme Nnana, the founder of the club, before the end of the meeting, threw it open for members to pick a month for their review, I was involved. I don’t like sitting on the fence wherever I find myself. I decided to give it a try. It was my first time reviewing a book.

I had a book in mind for my review. As a new week began, I settled in and started reviewing the book. Along the line, it wasn’t flowing…I wasn’t enjoying the review. I dropped the book, and picked another of my books. The same thing happened. I picked another; it was still the same. The days were fast approaching and I was still undecided. One day, I remembered The Crumb Eaters. ‘Wow! Why didn’t I remember it all this while? This is perfect! This is it!’ I told myself. I got a copy and settled down for my review. I enjoyed every bit of it and prepared hard for my presentation.

It was the last Saturday in the month of June. The reading was branded, “An Evening with Dr. Abraham.” It wasn’t held in the usual Shakespeare Hall, but in the annexe to the hotel, the new property acquired by Watbridge (Letters House). Before the floor was handed over to the guest of honour, I was given the privilege to present my book review…a dream come true!

I’m more than grateful to the founder of the Uyo Book Club, Dr. Udeme Nnana for this platform and to the Chief host of the club, Senator (Dr.) Ekong Sampson for consistently hosting the club on his facility and supporting it. I’m so glad I came in contact with the club. I’ve enjoyed the rich association, information, activities and everything associated with the club. Everything associated with the club is educative and inspiring. It’s a place of self-discovery and a hub of learning.

Dr. Udeme, a visionary leader who desires growth, is not satisfied at the club being in Uyo and has spread its reach to other parts of the state. With highly supportive Patrons, the clubs are thriving luxuriantly, impacting positively on the society, especially the younger generation. I believe Dr. Udeme in the near future, will widen his vision for the club to more states and beyond.

Mark Twain said “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that. But really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Dr. Udeme Nana has birthed a club filled with great people who are not just satisfied at being great but work hand-in-hand to make others great.


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