Dear Moment

dear moment

By Imaobong Abraham

In a quiet and serene atmosphere,
Nerve relaxing and soothing,
Lovely books speaking,
Drinking from the well of knowledge,
Soul refreshing like one gulping down living waters,
Soothing balm good for the soul,
These are my Dear moments.

The mind’s light is brightened like the night’s star,
Rubbing great as it glows,
Sipping with straw from the reservoir of great minds,
It’s a world of its own with great thrills,
Mere words are not enough to express,
The enlightenment it offers.

DEAR moments are really dear,
The moment to (D)rop (E)very thing (A)nd (R)ead,
Quenching thirst from the parched lips of the soul,
Pondering to assimilate the realities of the word,
Birthing a new fountain of knowledge in the soul,
Making dreams come alive,
Moulding humans into who they ought to be.

Dearest DEAR moments,
How you thrill my soul,
The mind’s sky keeps soaring higher,
A clearance from accumulated debris and grease,
It’s the secret of the great,
Future generations have no greater secret,
Than to follow in the footsteps of the Fathers.


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